About a week ago I got hit with a miserable head cold / flu.  It knocked me on my ass for about 2 days.  I got over it (or so I thought) and resumed my hectic life as usual.

Then after the Finches cool Super bowl party yesterday! By the way I had a great time. But later that night I had a real hard time sleeping.  No real reason I could figure out, just one of those things I guess.

Add the physical stress from lack of sleep and the cold AZ has been experiencing and boom – C-man gets sick.

That’s  my Steelo (style). When I over train, or just get too stressed for any reason I get sick.  You’d think I’d learn.  But like most  men I always rationalize everything and say “nope – I’m fine.”  Sometimes I’m right, but this time I’m definitely wrong.

So for the second time in 2 weeks I’m down for the count.

Now, as my most of you know I just try to exist as like nothing is wrong when I get getting sick.  I chill out in bed and I’m useless.

I don’t check emails, voicemail or anything else – and I sure as hell don’t want to talk to anyone.  Just keep food in the fridge, the remote on the night stand and leave me alone.

I am still not running at peak efficiency yet but I am feeling better.  With a little self medication (go CVS)

There are a few benefits to being sick in bed for a week. Like…

1) My illness coincided with the Jerry Springer Reruns’. Boy no matter how bad it gets its never that bad.

2) I now know exactly what I look like with a full beard. Not sexy.  So again, I no longer have to wonder.

I thought there were more, but I guess not.  Yup, being sick just sucks no matter how many episodes of The Kardashian’s E puts on.

There are a few things you can do to reduce your chances of getting sick and lessen its effects when you are.  Of course there are going to be times when you do everything right and you still get screwed and that’s just how it goes.

1) Wash your hands.

2) Don’t touch your eyes or face until you have successfully completed suggestion #1.

3) Take zinc.  Try Zicam or Cod-Eze at the first sign of a cold.  This extra zinc has been clinically proven to shorten the duration and intensity of colds.

4) Echinacea is a herb that many swear helps to fight colds.  Give it a shot.

5) Fish Oils, take em. Lots.  These amazing oils (among other things) help boost immunity and can get you better faster.

6) Don’t get stressed (good luck).

7) Probably most importantly – Get some sleep. Note to self (follow your own advice)

So if I have been slow to get back to you, please forgive me as I am still catching up.

Clarence Ferguson

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